Vlerick Alumni Winter Reunion: December 20th

Vlerick Alumni invites you to the 2007 edition of the annual Vlerick Alumni Winter Reunion on 20 December 2007 at Zuiderkroon, Antwerp.

As a scientist-adventurer, psychiatrist and aeronaut Bertrand Piccard is fascinated by the study of human behaviour and the observation of the emergence of different levels of awareness in extreme situations. In 1999, he completed the first non-stop round the world voyage with the Breitling Orbiter 3, capturing a total seven world.

He is now preparing a new futuristic entreprise: to fly around the world in a solar-powered aeroplane. With this project, entitled "Solar Impulse", the Swiss explorer wishes above all to demonstrate the key role played by high technology in sustainable development.

In "A journey towards an exceptional performance", Bertrand Piccard takes us on a journey of risk taking, entrepreneurship and exceptional managerial skills.


* 7:00 pm > Welcome at Zuiderkroon, Antwerp
* 7:30 pm > Welcome speech by Jean-Luc Deleersnyder, Chairman Vlerick Leuven Gent Alumni
* 8:00 pm > Intro
* 8:15 pm > Keynote by Bertrand Piccard, Savanturier
"A journey towards an exceptional performance"
* 9:00 pm > Questions & Answers
* 9:15 pm > Networking

Enroll here, see you there.