See you on the next Marketing Shower!

Bericht geplaatst op
donderdag, december 09, 2010
Ideas make the world go round. But how do you get them from under the shower and into the open world to fuel your business? We've invited four creativity experts to share their soap with us. So come on down and get showered with ideas & Duvels.
19h: Welcome
19u20: Marion Debruyne (Associate Professor & Partner Vlerick Management School)
19u30: Hendrik Everaerts (CEO Design is Dead)
19u50: Johan Van Dyck (Marketing Director Duvel Moortgat Brewery)
20u10: Guillaume Van der Stighelen (co-founder Duval Guillaume)
20u40: Duvels
Bericht geplaatst op
dinsdag, november 02, 2010
Dear Marketing Alumnus,
Are you also nostalgic about your marketing studies at Vlerick? And convinced that it would be great to catch up with your former classmates again?
The Vlerick Marketing Alumni offer you the opportunity to do so, and would like to invite you to their yearly Halloween Reunion ! This year’s edition promises to be a true Halloween experience!
We welcome you on Wednesday October 20th 2010 for the Ghost Ship edition of the Halloween Reunion. Boarding time is 19h30, the venue is LeBateau (Muinkkaai 1) in Ghent (route)
Entrance is free for all marketing alumni (members and non-members) and this upon subscription via our event page!
Not a member? Subscribe by mailing info@staff.vlerickalumni.com
Looking forward meeting you and your former classmates,
Kind regards,
The Vlerick Marketing Alumni,
P.S.: Don’t forget to bring your business card!
Bericht geplaatst op
dinsdag, oktober 12, 2010
Thanks for attending. It was a great start for our new concept.
Hope to see you next time!
Bericht geplaatst op
maandag, juli 19, 2010
We are proud to announce that the very first edition of The Marketing Shower will take place on Wednesday June 9th in Brussels (BNP Paribas Fortis Auditorium). The central topic is "Rebranding".
Subscribe here
Before we go into the speaker- and eventdetails, we would like to introduce you to the values of the revamped "Vlerick Marketing Informeel", which was rebranded for the occasion.
"Four times a year you can plunge into The Marketing Shower to let a steaming hot marketing topic pour down on you. Each speaker throws in the towel after twenty minutes so you’ll quickly get showered with revitalizing stories."
Bericht geplaatst op
dinsdag, mei 18, 2010
Interview taken by Bernd Schmitt.
Bericht geplaatst op
maandag, maart 15, 2010