Partner Event: BAQMAR's "Digging for Gold"

Short introduction: BAQMaR is the Belgian Association for Quantitative & Qualitative Marketing Research. BAQMaR wants to make marketing research COOL again: well-known, popular and unique.

As a friend of BAQMAR we received one free ticket. Please react to this blogpost if you would like to attend this event on behalf of the Vlerick Marketing Alumni (offer exclusively for paying members).
BAQMaR 2009 Conference: “Digging for Gold

Thursday, December 17th 2009, Marriott Hotel Ghent
Company Package’: 5 tickets for 200 Euro!


19h00 – 19h30
Welcome drink and small appetizers

19h30 – 19h40
Opening session 2009 BAQMaR Conference: “Welcome to the Vein of Gold”

19h40 – 20h05
Presentation 1: Rolf Verlinden (Managing Director, Keystone Network)
Title: “Data Stress! The Journey from Data to Insights…”

20h05 – 20h20
The Gold Rush”: Golden Ideas Explained in 60 Seconds

20h20 – 20h40
Break with coffee, thee, juices and snacks

20h40 – 21h20
Keynote Speaker: Tom H.C. Anderson (CEO, Anderson Analytics – United States)
Title: “Text Analytics, from Survey Open Ends to Social Media”

21h20 – 21h45
Presentation 2: Sarah Van Laere (Customer Insights Manager, Nuon Belgium)
Title: “Risky Energy Business”

21h45 – 21h50
SMART 2009″: Who Becomes the SMARTest Student Researcher of the Year?

21h50 – 21h55
Closing session 2009 BAQMaR Conference

21h55 – 23h30
Talks, bites and drinks

Register today as an early bird for only 50 Euro