We are proud to announce that the very first edition of The Marketing Shower will take place on Wednesday June 9th in Brussels (BNP Paribas Fortis Auditorium). The central topic is "Rebranding".
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Before we go into the speaker- and eventdetails, we would like to introduce you to the values of the revamped "Vlerick Marketing Informeel", which was rebranded for the occasion.
"Four times a year you can plunge into The Marketing Shower to let a steaming hot marketing topic pour down on you. Each speaker throws in the towel after twenty minutes so you’ll quickly get showered with revitalizing stories."
The Marketing Shower
View more presentations from Demoor Michel.
Brands are like friends. They come and go, but truly great ones are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget. How would you feel if a friend would suddenly change his/her hairdo, style or even name. How would you feel if you couldn’t recognize your friends anymore? Rebranding is a high risk branding matter with losing friends involved.

18u45: Open doors with sandwiches and drinks
19u10: Introduction
19u30: Erik Saelens
(founder & strategic director Brandhome, CV)
Rebranding and renaming, different but the same. Saelens will explain differences and similarities of rebranding and renaming operations. Out of the research he conducted over more than 160 of such operations he will give the top-line lessons learned and bells to ring when facing such an operation.
19u50: Frans Cornelis
(managing director Group marketing & communications, Randstad Holding nv - CV)
Randstad Group is the second largest HR services provider in the world. Cornelis will explain how the brand portfolio of the Group has been aligned. He will touch on the learnings of more than 100 rebranding and renaming operations that the Group has conducted over the past 2 years worldwide.
20u10: Francis Peene
(director Communication, BNP Paribas | Fortis, Retail & Private Banking Belgium)
BNP Paribas Fortis is the bank for a changing world. Peene will explain how BNP Paribas Fortis has rebranded itseld back into the drivers seat in Belgium. He will touch on the external and internal learnings of the renaming into BNP Paribas Fortis. And on the central promises that drove the rebranding forward.
20u30: Closure Peter Janssen (Founder Living/Brand)
20u45: Q&A + Networking with sandwiches and drinks
All information and subscriptions.